
Recommended Plan Of Care For Autoimmune Support

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Week 1: Address pH, Energy and Sleep

Week 2: Address Liver, Gall Bladder, and Stomach

Week 3: Address Adrenals, Kidney, Parathyroid, and Thyroid

Week 4: Address Thymus, Lymph, and Inflammation, Brain/Neurological Support

#1: pH Level: You HAVE to be alkaline to heal!!! Having a pH level between 6.4 to 7.0 will help stop your immune system from attacking your body! The first thing that you need to do is to check your pH

level. Most likely you are on the acidic side, so you need to increase your pH using specific nutritional protocols. You will not heal unless your body pH is between 6.4 to 7.0 consistently (ie. over 2 weeks). Increasing your pH will help decrease your level of pain, help you sleep and increase your energy level. Please see my paper on The Importance of pH below.

SOLUTION: Purchase pH test strips and you will need to check your first morning urine (after 5 a.m.) every morning, record it and email it to me at Assuming that you are acidic, so I would recommend that you get on D3 (4-6 drops/day), Aloe Pro (1 oz./day) and Coral Legend Plus (6 capsules/day to start).

#2: Energy: You need to increase your energy to heal!

SOLUTION: Aloe Mannan= 6-8/day open the capsule and dissolve under your tongue and Quinol-ND = 1-2 tsp/day.

#3: Sleep: You HAVE to sleep to heal and if you are not sleeping, you have a problem with one or all of the following. Not able to fall asleep = problem with the gall bladder. Unable to stay asleep or waking up at night = problem with the stomach. Groggy in the morning or having difficulty getting out of bed = problem with the adrenal glands. Please see #2, #3 and #7 AND I would recommend specific supplements to aid in your sleep.

SOLUTION: NADH 4-6 opened and dissolved under the tongue before bed, Tranquinol 6/before bed and Melatonin 5-6 drops before bed. The PRL Melatonin is natural, live-source melatonin and it is nothing like you have ever tried before! Start with these initial recommendations and back off as you begin to sleep better.

#4: Liver/Gall Bladder: There are receptors for thyroid hormone (T4 & T3) on every cell of your

body. 60% of T4 is converted to T3 in your LIVER so it is very important to have your liver functioning at 100%!!! Your gall bladder and liver work hand-in-hand because the liver produces bile and the gall bladder stores it so they have to be addressed. Your liver and gall bladder are VITAL to your

healing! The liver and gall bladder are the major detoxifiers of the body and both are not working so we need to address them both nutritionally! Please read the papers below on The Liver! and The Gall Bladder!

SOLUTION: Max B-ND (1 tsp in a 16-20 oz. water bottle filled with high quality H2O) and Liver-ND (1 tsp to the same bottle mentioned above, use a few tsps of Cherry Elixade to help the taste) to help support your liver. Gall Bladder ND (1 tsp, again added to the above water bottle) and BiliVen (6 capsules to start) to support your gall bladder.

#5: Stomach: 20% of T4 is converted to T3 in the gut! 80% of your immune system is in your gut and your gut contains more serotonin (the “feel good” neurotransmitter) than your brain! If you have trouble awaking at night and you are unable to fall back to sleep, it is an issue with your stomach. One of the

major problems with any autoimmune patient is that they are not absorbing their nutrients because they have too little stomach acid or HCL. In addition, you need HCL to create methyl groups. Methyl groups help turn on good genes like tumor suppressor genes and turn off bad genes like oncogenes that case cancer. We need to address increasing your HCL. Please read the paper below on The Importance of Methyl Groups!

SOLUTION: I would start with GastroVen (2-3 capsules in a tea or in hot water before each meal). Then move to PRL’s Digest = 2 during every meal. HCL = 3 after every meal. HCL Activator = 2 after every meal. You need to drink plenty of water, at least ½ oz. per body weight. If you have any burning sensation when taking the HCL/HCL Activator, you are dehydrated, and you need to increase your water intake.

#6: Thyroid: Your thyroid gland controls your body’s metabolism. It is the “gas pedal” of the body! You need to support your thyroid!

SOLUTION: ThyroVen 6/day (Xenostat may have to be supplemented instead of ThyroVen.

#7: Parathyroid: Your parathyroid is vital to your health because it helps you to absorb calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals.

SOLUTION: Green Tea-ND 1 teaspoon in the water bottle as mentioned above.

#8: Adrenal glands: Your adrenal glands are your stress glands and they need to function for you to heal. If you are groggy in the morning or you have trouble getting out of bed, the problem is usually the adrenals. Please read my paper below on The Adrenal Glands!

SOLUTION: Adaptogen R3 (3/day) and AdrenaVen (3/day)

#9: Inflammation: Usually there is massive inflammation associated with any autoimmune condition, so you want to reduce naturally.

SOLUTION: Deltanol 6/day also the Liver-ND that has been recommended above will help reduce inflammation but also consider Inflamma-ND (1 tsp in the Infusion Drink) and/or 2 tsp of CoCurcumin taken straight followed by a glass of water. The CoCurcumin doesn’t taste the greatest but it is a very strong natural anti-inflammatory.

#10: Pancreas Support: Blood sugar support is VITAL with ANY chronic pain and fatigue issue!

SOLUTION: PancreVen 6/day

#11: Kidney Support: Your kidneys help remove toxins from your body.

SOLUTION: DHA 3-4/day and ReneVen 4-6/day

#12: Brain Support: It is very important to support proper brain function.

SOLUTION: CereVen 4-6/day

Water: It is VITAL that you increase your water intake! Take your body weight, divide by two and that is how much water that you need to be drinking on a daily basis. If you weigh 200 lbs., you need to be drinking 100 oz. of water per/day. It HAS to be high quality water! Distilled, filtered, it doesn’t matter as long as it is NOT tap water.

Pink Salt: You need to be consuming Pink Salt because it is high in calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals. PRL has a great Pink Salt and you can order it from Do not use

Sea Salt as they use cheap screens to grind the salt which leaves nickel residues that will harm your kidneys.

Coffee Enemas: Coffee enemas are the KEY to increasing the function of your liver! As I stated above, your liver needs to be addressed so that your body can detoxify. Please see the coffee enema information that I have provided to you below. I do coffee enemas myself and if you are serious about getting better, you need to do them!

I DO NOT recommend coffee enemas if you are pregnant!

Change in Diet: You NEED to eat for ENERGY and not use food as a reward or a pleasure. You need to avoid the three most inflammatory foods which is gluten (anything made with wheat, barley or rye), dairy and soy. Please see the diet outline.

Interference Fields/Mud Packs: You are going to need to mud pack multiple regions—you need to get me all of your areas of traumas, scars, blows, piercings, etc. so we can clear up any interference for

Dental: we may have to use mud packs inside your mouth to help clear up any dental infections that you might be suffering from.

EMFs: They do affect you and we may need to address them down the road.

Parasites: My feeling is that part of the reason that you are not feeling well could be the possibility that you may be suffering from parasites. We will need to address this issue, BUT we first must get your energy level up so your body can heal. We can run a $250 test to confirm but based on the fact that your stomach isn’t working, my feeling is that you are suffering from some form of a parasite. It is your choice if you would like the testing done. Some people need to see it in black and white.


1 tsp Max B-ND
1 tsp Liver ND
1 tsp Gall Bladder ND

1 tsp Green Tea ND 3-4 tsp of Cherry Elixade

Fill the rest of the bottle with high quality water!

Place all of the above in a 20 oz. water bottle and sip it throughout the day. Make it last a few hours to get the full infusion effect!

Dr. Stella’s Autoimmune Food Protocol…

The goal of eating this way is to promote change through the removal of foods that are, in any possible way, inflammatory.

If you cheat, you are only making your healing process slower!

As you know, you have made a financial investment in your health and this is where that investment pays off.

It’s important to shop for quality food at butcher’s shops, farmers markets, fish markets and natural food stores.

Eat organic to avoid pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones, antibiotics and other drugs which cause free radicals and excitotoxins.

The worst foods to cheat with are going to be Gluten (Wheat, Barley, Rye, Spelt), Dairy and Soy because they are the largest causes of inflammation in the body! You MUST eliminate gluten, dairy and soy from your diet because not only do they cause inflammation, but they are all triggers for an autoimmune condition. In other words, they cause your immune system to attack your body. We can run $750 worth of testing to see exactly how gluten, dairy and soy are harming your body or you can simply stop eating them!

Second, you need to stop eating sugar, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, and white salt! All of them cause free radicals, excitotoxins and inflammation!

Basic Guidelines

1. Eat 4-6 small meals per day.

2. Make sure you eat within 30 minutes of rising in the morning. It is best to eat a high-quality protein for breakfast. Farm fresh eggs are naturally a great source of protein with Pink Salt from PRL ( You need to be consuming Pink Salt because it is high in calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals. PRL has a great Pink Salt and you can order it from Do not use Sea Salt as they use cheap screens to grind the salt which leaves nickel residues that will harm your kidneys.

3. Always have a carbohydrate, fat and protein with each meal.

4. Eat twice as many vegetables as fruit over the course of the day. Raw vegetables are best if you want to lose weight.

5. Remember that eating this way will be new and sometimes a challenge to achieve. Preparing single servings of food that can be frozen will save you from having to cook meals when life gets busy.
6. Prepare large batches of staples like spaghetti sauce and soups for freezing in single serve containers. If you must reheat food in the microwave, transfer the food to a glass container. Plastic releases harmful chemicals into your food when heated in a microwave.

Here is a checklist…

1. Meats: (from best to worst). ORGANIC Fish, Wild Game (venison, bison), Chicken, Beef, Turkey, Pork. 4-5 servings of fish a week is recommended. Avoid farm-raised fish. Smoked salmon is acceptable. Vary the other meats in frequency. Cured meats like ham, bacon and sausage can be eaten but not as an everyday staple. “Al Fresco” is a great chicken sausage that is gluten free, dairy free, nitrate free and available at local grocers. Organic, grass fed, free range is best because you don’t need any more hormones, antibiotics or pesticides in your body. If it is wrapped in plastic or packaged, you probably don’t want to eat it.

2. Vegetables: Fresh organic veggies are best. Multiple colors are even better. Eat at least a couple of servings of raw veggies per day. This is where you will get most of your really good minerals and vitamins. Focus on what is in season. Pass on veggies in cans. Kale is a versatile lettuce that works well in salads, sautés and soups and is your best choice for nutrition. Sweet potatoes are okay but skip the white ones. Avoid rice but try Quinoa. It is a grain with a nutty flavor and works well as a substitute for rice and potatoes. Spaghetti squash is a staple for us. Always keep spaghetti sauce available for a quick meal. Add different meats each time for variety.

3. Salads: Choose dark green leafy lettuces like kale, spinach or spring mix. Avoid iceberg altogether. Use many different vegetables in your salads and always top with some sort of protein. Grilled chicken, fish, beef, shrimp are some of our favorites. Nuts and fruit are great in salads. Avoid bottled salad dressings. Choose vinegar and oil or seasonings to spice up your salad. Juice from a ½ lemon or orange

also makes a great dressing. I use PRL’s Vintage Vinegar and Olive Oil along with Pink Salt to make a great, healthy salad dressing!

4. All Fruits: 2-3 servings per day. Keep in mind this is a sugar source and sugar addicts can easily eat too much fruit. Frozen berries are ok, in small amounts. Diabetics should be very careful here. Wash all fruit prior to eating it.

5. Eggs: Farm fresh, no egg substitutes. Yolks ARE good for you. Eat them.

6. Broth: To make soups. Read the labels and make sure there is not gluten or other thickening agents. Choose low sodium brands or use the water from blanching vegetables and cooking meats as your broth.

7. Nuts: Raw nuts are best but roasted are okay also. Avoid salted and nuts covered in honey. Choose a variety but watch the amount if you wish to lose weight. A serving of nuts should be the equivalent of 8 almonds.

8. Drinks: Water with lemon is going to be the drink of choice. Have a 32-fluid ounce bottle filled in the morning and drink it by lunch. Repeat in the afternoon. Seltzer water and herbal tea is ok also. Coffee, any soda (diet or regular) and alcohol are no-no’s because they dehydrate the body! Almond milk (unsweetened if you are diabetic) and Coconut milk can replace regular milk which is full of rBGH. rBGH is a very harmful hormone! You need to be drinking at least ½ oz. of water per lb. of body weight. That is to say, if you weigh 150 lbs., you need to be drinking 75 oz. of water every day.

9. Cooking Oils: Sauté with Olive Oil. If you need to use higher temps, use Coconut Oil. If I let you eat dairy, then butter is ok, not margarine. Canola oil, vegetable oil, corn oil and soybean oils are BAD.

10. Spices: All are ok. As stated above, eat as much Pink Salt as possible because of the high mineral content.

11. Supplements: Make sure anything you are taking is passed by me first. Any liquid or powdered supplements can be added to a morning fruit smoothie.

12. Medications: Never stop your meds unless you have discussed it with your doctor. Many meds can be eliminated or reduced having gone through my program.

13. Desserts: Coconut ice cream is a special treat and should be savored. Baking fruit like apples and peaches are fabulous alternatives to processed desserts. Use spices to add flavor.

14. Snacks: Hummus with carrot and celery sticks is a favorite. You can purchase pre-made brands or make your own with garbanzo, black or Northern white beans. Organic almond or cashew butter is a better choice than peanut butter but as long as it is organic and natural, peanut butter is fine. No processed brands like Skippy or Jif. Whole food snack bars like Macro or Kind may be eaten as a snack ½ bar at a time, no more than one bar per day.

The Importance of COFFEE ENEMAS!
–By Dr. Michael L. Johnson

If you or a loved one suffers from ANY type of chronic illness, including cancer, you NEED to heal and detoxify your liver! I have found that one of the best natural protocols to detoxify and heal your liver is the coffee enema. Coffee enemas are a part of the Gerson Method which I discovered when I began to address cancer patients in my office. I have found that it’s best to do coffee enemas using organic blond roast coffee. I use coffee enemas myself because I suffer from early-stage MS and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis so if I can do them, you can too!

Please make sure to purchase whole bean, organic, blonde roast coffee and grind it the same day you’re going to be using it. If you do it beforehand, all that potent goodness will be lost through oxidation. Trust

me, EVERY LITTLE THING COUNTS WHEN YOU HAVE A SERIOUS ILLNESS! EVERYTHING!! We have PRL’s organic, blond roast coffee available at

(NOTE FROM DR. JOHNSON…. coffee is one of the most heavily pesticide and herbicide sprayed crops

so it is VITAL to use an organic coffee! We only recommend Premier Research Labs organic coffee for coffee enemas. Only use organic olive oil as a lubricant for the insertion tube!)


You may ask, why in the world would someone want to take coffee in an enema form? After studying Dr. Max Gerson’s coffee enema protocols, I do daily coffee enemas. In spite of my initial skepticism and reluctance, I went ahead with them, and when I got over the initial messiness and innate resistance, I quickly saw the benefits of coffee enemas:

Coffee Enemas Can:

• Clean and heal the colon.
• Detoxify the liver and colon and help rebuild the liver.

• Reduce many types of pain via liver detoxification.
• Help eliminate many parasites with the addition of a natural anti-parasitic supplement.

• Reduce and get rid of many symptoms of general toxicity. Since toxicity is the cause of dozens of common symptoms from arthritis to cancer, coffee enemas help with many, if not most diseases and conditions.

• Help with depression, cognition, confusion, and anxiety.

• Increase mental clarity, improve energy levels, increase joy and happiness, improve digestion, reduce anger, and more.

I have recommended coffee retention enemas to everyone including ALL of the doctors in my consulting group. I have yet to hear about horrible side effects of any kind, although the procedure is somewhat inconvenient, especially at first. Most people get used to it quickly. The coffee retention enema is really quite simple, very safe when done properly, highly effective, able to be done in the privacy of your home, and inexpensive. Remember that coffee use organic coffee and distilled water.


The coffee bean and plant have been part of herbal medicine, folk medicine, and shamanic healing for thousands of years. It is particularly well understood by the native tribes of South America, where coffee began to be cultivated many thousands of years ago.

It was known as a potent liver remedy, and given particularly to the elderly and to those who were infirm or ill in the liver. As we continue into the 21st century, just about everyone has a toxic liver due to the standard American diet (aka. S.A.D) in addition, there is the increased use of toxic metals and toxic chemicals throughout the country.

Enemas are in the biblical Dead Sea Scrolls; the Essene Gospel of Peace, Book 1 is a small book that was rediscovered by the eminent biblical scholar, Edmond Bordeaux Szekely. He found it in the Vatican library and translated it into English in 1937. The text is from the famed Dead Sea Scrolls, manuscripts that describe the healing miracles of Jesus, but were only discovered in the twentieth century near the Dead Sea. This text discusses how Jesus healed people using simple methods such as food, water, air and sunshine. The following is a quote from pages 15 and 16:

“Think not that it is sufficient that the angel of water embraces you outwards only. I tell you truly, the uncleanness within is greater by much than the uncleanness without. And he who cleanses himself without, but within remains unclean, is like to tombs that outwards are painted fair, but are within full of all manner of horrible unclean things and abominations.

“So, I tell you truly, suffer the angel of water to baptize you also within, that you may become free from all your past sins, and that within likewise you may become as pure as the river’s foam sporting in the sunlight.

“Seek, therefore, a large trailing gourd, having a stalk the length of a man; take out its inwards and fill it with water from the river which the sun has warmed. Hang it upon the branch of a tree, and kneel upon the ground before the angel of water, and suffer the end of the stalk of the trailing gourd to enter your hinder parts, which the water may flow through all your bowels.

“Afterwards, rest kneeling on the ground before the angel of water and pray to the living God that he will forgive you all of your past sins, and pray to the angel of water that he will free your body from every uncleanness and disease.

“Then let the water run out from your body, that it may carry away from within it all the unclean and evil-smelling things of Satan. And you shall see with your eyes and smell with your nose all the abominations and unclean things which defiled the temple of your body; even all the sins which abode in your body, tormenting you with all manner of pains. I tell you truly, baptism with water frees you from all of these.”

The coffee enema may have been first used in modern Western nations as a pain reliever and a fever regulator (yes, it lowers high fevers!). As the story goes, during World War I, nurses kept coffee pots on the stove all day long. Battle surgeons and others drank it to stay awake while working horrendously long hours. Enema bags hung around as some patients needed help moving their bowels.

Pain medications were in short supply. Doctors were forced to save the pain drugs for surgical procedures, with little or none for follow-up after surgery. When surgical patients woke up from operations without the benefit of further morphine injections, they would scream in pain and agony from the surgery. They were also constipated from the anesthesia drugs. Then one day a nurse was preparing an enema for constipation. Instead of fetching water for the enema, she accidentally dumped some cool coffee into the patient’s enema bag, undid the release clamp, and into the patient it flowed. “I’m not in so much pain,” the soldier said. The nurse took notice, and thus began the use of coffee enemas to help control pain.”

Up until about 1965, the coffee enema procedure was listed in the Merck Manual which is used as a handbook by physicians all over the world.

The man who popularized coffee enemas more than any other in modern times was Max Gerson, MD, author of A Cancer Therapy – Results of 50 Cases. Dr. Gerson pioneered nutritional therapy for cancer and other diseases with amazing results. His therapy combined coffee enemas with a special vegetarian-based diet, organic vegetable juices and a few other nutritional supplements. The enemas were an important part of the therapy. He found that to heal his patients of cancer, he had to stop their pain medication because it damaged their already weak livers.

Coffee enemas, up to 5 per day under the “Gerson Method,” would stop the pain without a need for drugs. They also enabled the body to absorb and digest tumor tissue and eliminate it safely, an important stumbling block in natural cancer treatments. More recently, William Kelley, DDS recommended them extensively in his metabolic cancer therapy. He wrote about their benefits and importance in a small book entitled: One Answer to Cancer.


The coffee enema is a coffee implant and a retention enema. This means that one implants or applies the coffee into the colon, and the procedure is to retain the coffee mixture for 12-21 minutes. It takes 3

minutes for the liver to filter all of the blood in the body, so you want at least 4-7 full cycles, more if possible.

A coffee enema is an ancient herbal hydrotherapy procedure. It consists of filling an enema bag or enema bucket (I recommend and use a stainless-steel enema bucket) with a mixture of about 4 to 5 cups of filtered or distilled water, and 3 to 4 tablespoons of coffee that has been brought to a boil and set on low heat for up to 12-15 minutes. One filters the coffee grounds before putting the liquid in the enema bag or bucket using cheese-cloth. One then places this mixture in the colon and retains it for about 12-15 minutes. At this time, the liquid is expelled into the toilet.

I recommend inserting the standard enema tip into the rectum lubricated with a little organic olive oil, and then implanting the coffee, usually while lying on one’s RIGHT SIDE since the liver is on the right

side. Some, however, suggest using a 30-inch flexible rubber colon tube connected to the enema tip. One first inserts the colon tube all the way into the rectum, and then attaches the enema tip to the protruding end of the colon tube. I still say, stick with the standard enema tip as I have tried both methods and I feel that the latter works the best. DO NOT use petroleum jelly or some other toxin to lubricate the enema tip! You do not want to be adding more toxins into your system! I am amazed at some natural health care practitioners that recommend using Vaseline to lubricate the enema tip. UGH!

For best results, massage the colon during the procedure for an enhanced mechanical cleansing effect of the enema. One can also massage the liver and gall bladder acupuncture points. The liver acupuncture point is located 2 inches below the right nipple on the chest and the gall bladder acupuncture point is located down and to the right of the liver point. This is particularly excellent when first beginning to do coffee enemas, as it helps break up colonies of parasites, impacted fecal matter, and helps empty and clean out what are called ‘pockets’ in the colon.

For therapeutic purposes, the procedure should be repeated at least daily, and up to about three times each day for at least several years to clean up the colon, detoxify the liver and help heal the entire body. While Dr. Max Gerson, MD insisted upon the coffee enema 5 times daily or every four hours, for at least two years using three tablespoons of coffee in each enema, this much seems a little drastic, and does not appear to be necessary when the procedure is combined with a properly designed nutritional program. I recommend doing at least one coffee enema per day and if you can do more, great, if not, great, at least you did one. When I first started doing coffee enemas, I would get up a bit earlier than usual and do it before I started my day.


While coffee is not ideal when digested the usual way, there are some very beneficial herbal properties of coffee when taken rectally, and there are some overlap among these effects.

• An astringent. This is an herbal property that means it peels the top layer of skin or mucous membrane. This is helpful for some healing, as the top layer of skin or mucous membrane is often ready to come off anyway, and is loaded with toxins. So, it is like cleaning the surface layer of the mucous membrane of the colon and the liver. Remember, your skin is the largest organ of your body, keep it healthy!

• A choleretic. A choleretic is a substance that increases bile flow; which applies to coffee when used rectally. While other agents classed as choleretics increase bile flow from the liver, they do little to enhance detoxifying enzyme systems, and they do not ensure the passage of bile from the intestines out the rectum. Bile is normally reabsorbed up to 9 or 10 times before working its way out the intestines in feces. The enzyme enhancing ability of the coffee enema is unique among choleretics; because it does not allow as much reabsorption of toxic bile by the liver across the gut wall, it is a powerful means of detoxifying the blood stream through existing enzyme systems in the liver and small bowel. Clinical practice has shown coffee enemas to be well tolerated by patients when used as frequently as every four

hours, the coffee enema may be classed as one of the only repeatable, non-reabsorbed, and effective choleretics in the medical literature.

• Enhancement of liver detoxification systems and glutathione production. These are other general effects of coffee enemas that are explained in more detail below. Many times, I will add glutathione from Premier Research Labs to the coffee for added benefit.

• Anti-oxidant effects. Coffee contains powerful anti-oxidants. These are particularly helpful for the liver, which is highly subject to oxidant damage. Unlike common antioxidants such as vitamin C, alpha lipoic acid, selenium, zinc, vitamins A and E, the antioxidants in coffee are far more yang in Chinese medical terminology. This is a great advantage today because the bodies are already too yin and adding more yin antioxidants makes the problem much worse. Someday, doctors who recommend antioxidants will realize this problem with all anti-oxidant nutrients and will stop recommending so many of them, perhaps recommending the coffee enema instead.

Reducing the need for antioxidants. Nutritional balancing and coffee retention enemas also reduce the need for antioxidants because they can remove the oxidant sources. This is far better than giving antioxidants. The oxidant sources are oxidized minerals including iron, copper, manganese and aluminum, among others.

• Palmitic acids. In the late 1970s and early 1980s, researchers in the lab of Lee Wattenberg identified salts of palmitic acids (kahweol and cafestol palmitate) in coffee as potent enhancers of glutathione S-transferase, a major detoxification system that catalyzes the binding of a vast variety of electrophiles from the blood stream to the sulfhydryl group of glutathione. Because the reactive ultimate carcinogenic forms of chemicals are electrophiles, the glutathione S-transferase system must be regarded as an important mechanism for carcinogen detoxification.

“In mice, this system is enhanced 600% in the liver and 700% in the small bowel when coffee beans are added to their diet. Because this system in lab models is close, if not directly analogous to that of humans, a parallel stimulation by coffee of glutathione S-transferase in humans is probable.” Dr. Gerson, the major proponent of the coffee enema in the Western world, wrote that:

“Heubner and Meyer of Gottingen University, Germany had shown in animal models that rectal administration of caffeine would dilate bile ducts and promote bile flow. The introduction of a quart of coffee solution into the colon will dilute portal blood and subsequently, the bile.”

• Theophylline and theobromine, major constituents of coffee, dilate blood vessels and counter inflammation of the gut. The palmitates of coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase which is responsible for the removal of many toxic radicals from serum. Finally, the fluid of the enema itself stimulates the visceral nervous system, promoting peristalsis and the transit of diluted toxic bile from the duodenum out through the rectum.”

• Caffeine effects. These are complex. Caffeine is a central nervous stimulant, but a mild one, relatively speaking, and not as toxic as most stimulants. This stimulating action upon the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system helps “wake up” the body in some way that appears to be quite beneficial, when coffee is used in this manner.

• Dilation of the bile ducts. The editors of Physiological Chemistry and Physics stated, “Caffeine enemas cause dilation of bile ducts, which facilitates excretion of toxic cancer breakdown products by the liver and dialysis of toxic products from blood across the colonic wall.”


The colon is one of the most diseased organs of the body in many people today because of consuming a poor diet. They include:

1. Eating sweets, including all sugars, fruits and juices. These can feed yeasts and other pathological organisms.

2. Eating poor quality food, low in fiber and foods containing additives, preservatives, pesticides, and other chemicals that damage the intestines. Eating junk food as a primary portion of the diet.

3. Improper eating habits and low levels of digestive enzymes in the upper intestines. These cause partially digested proteins and starches to end up in the colon, where they either rot or ferment. This causes the production of extremely toxic chemicals such as skatol, indol, cadaverine and others. Most people know about these from their foul odors, gas and bloating, all of which is harmful.

4. Extreme overuse of antibiotics. These damage and often destroy the normal flora in the colon.

5. Use of many other medical drugs and over-the-counter remedies. Most of them are toxic to the intestinal tract to some degree.
6. Ignoring the call of nature to empty the bowels.

7. Hurried lifestyles, with fear and nervous tension. These negative emotions often affect the functioning of the colon.

8. The presence of infection in the colon. Common ones include yeasts, parasites such as round worms, and others.

9. Fruit-eating, sadly, is one of the biggest causes of colon problems today, in part because it allows the growth of yeasts in the intestines, and because it is yin, which expands the colon and impairs its activity.


The enema mechanically washes out the colon, removing many toxic chemicals, and often nests of parasites, bacteria, etc.

Enemas also stimulate the colon slightly by dilating it a little, and often by altering its temperature somewhat – either making it a little hotter or a little colder.

Another result is to increase peristalsis and cause the colon to become active, emptying its contents more completely.

Repeated enemas, especially accompanied by colon massage, helps remove impacted feces, which is common. Certain food items, especially white, refined flour, can turn hard in the colon and stick to its walls. Repeated enemas also help clean out so-called ‘pockets’ or diverticula in the colon. These are slight expansions or dilations in the wall of the colon of most adults that trap food particles, bacteria and often harbor parasitic organisms.


Another effect of the coffee enema, when done properly, is to tone the muscles of the colon wall. I often hear comments that coffee enemas will cause dependency, constipation, and a flaccid colon. The exact opposite is true, when done correctly and combined with a complete nutritional balancing program. Most cases of constipation clear up.


In my opinion, the coffee retention enema must be combined with a diet high in raw and lightly cooked vegetables, limited fruits, no other sweets, and no wheat or gluten.

We also find that eating animal flesh is quite important. A few supplementary nutrients must be given to rebuild the body. Also, one must drink between 2 and 3 quarts of distilled, spring or carbon-only filtered water each day. When this is done, along with a healthful lifestyle and plenty of rest, the coffee enema is excellent to rebuild the colon wall and tone the colon musculature, which is often just full of toxins.


These are very different procedures. The main difference is the amount of water used. Colonic irrigation involves placing up to several gallons of filtered water in the colon and massaging the colon to loosen impacted fecal material. Then one empties the water and repeats the procedure a number of times, usually for about an hour. It is usually done by a trained colon hydro-therapist and costs between $50- $100.00 dollars. A special machine is used with a special enema tip that remains inserted the entire time of the colonic. Some colon therapists add ozone, probiotics, or even coffee to the colonic irrigation water, but most use just plain water, which works well for the purpose intended. The therapist usually massages the colon when the water is inside to help it reach all the pockets and areas of the colon. A typical coffee enema involves two to four cups of water, is done at home, daily, and does not require a skilled practitioner. I will tell you that I have not had a colonic, but I am not against them. The advantages of colonic irrigation are that it may clean out an impacted colon and parasitic infestation much faster, since much more water is used. This is extremely helpful when the colon is very diseased, or constipation is longstanding, but only for a series of 5 to 10 of them – no more.

A major disadvantage of colonic irrigation is that repeated sessions can make the body too yin in Chinese medical terms, by introducing too much water into the colon. For this reason, ideally one must limit colonic irrigation to a series of 10 or so per year; although, more are not that harmful.

Other problems are its cost, time required, and perhaps some slight removal of intestinal flora, and perhaps electrolyte imbalances due to the large volume of water used. SO, DO NOT DO DAILY OR EVEN WEEKLY COLONIC IRRIGATIONS.

In my experience, coffee enemas do not pose these problems, and can be repeated several times daily for years without any adverse effects.


The intestine has two circulatory systems attached to it. One system supplies the intestines with blood for maintenance of the intestinal tissues and the other system is called the portal system. It is a critical body system that draws all of the absorbed nutrients from the intestines and sends them directly to the liver.

When you eat food, it does not go directly into the bloodstream. Nutrients are absorbed in the mouth, esophagus, and stomach and small intestine. All the rest of the nutrients go into the portal system and then go to the liver, not the general bloodstream. Here, the nutrients are further processed by the liver before entering the main blood stream.

So when coffee is introduced into the colon, it is absorbed directly into the liver through the colon wall. Coffee has a special affinity for the liver, and moving it there from the colon is very different than sending it to the liver by drinking it. When coffee is ingested by mouth, it is digested mainly by the stomach acids, and most of its herbal medicine properties are destroyed.

Coffee taken by mouth is not good because you are dehydrating your body. For every 8 oz. of coffee that you consume, it takes an additional 32 oz. of high quality water to re-hydrate your body. Plus, coffee is the most heavily sprayed crops and chemically laden tap water is most likely used to make the coffee. If you must drink coffee, please limit it to once a week or a couple of times per month. That is what I do and if I can do it, so can you!


Caffeine is not that toxic, and it is easily removed from the body after the coffee retention enema is completed. Roasting the coffee bean and boiling the coffee for 10-12 minutes reduces its caffeine content slightly. The fact is that decaffeinated coffee does not work well in coffee enemas. I do not recommend doing coffee enemas with a decaffeinated coffee because most are toxic with chemicals and not effective because of the lack of caffeine. Performing a coffee enema causes a slight buzz in some people, but not an extreme reaction.

Occasionally, a person cannot tolerate the caffeine in even a small amount of coffee used in an

enema. In these people, it interferes with sleep, causes nervousness, and irritability. These people can usually begin with just a pinch of coffee and work up slowly as their tolerance builds. Rarely, a person cannot tolerate any caffeine at all, and cannot do coffee enemas for this reason. Do not do a coffee enema after 5 pm in the afternoon.

Avoid strong coffees; too much caffeine is not helpful for the body at all, and just acts as a CNS stimulant. For this reason, the recent habit in the West of drinking very strong coffees such as cappuccinos, espressos, and lattes are extremely harmful. The habit derives from the old Turkish style of making coffee so strong it is almost like drinking mud. Those who do this are not healthy, and the caffeine and other toxins in the coffee build up in the liver and elsewhere, damaging health. The nervous system eventually is ruined by this habit.

By now, coffee as a beverage or taken orally cannot have the same effect as a coffee enema. To the contrary, drinking coffee virtually insures that one will reabsorb toxic bile because the dialysis or flushing effect does not occur; as it mixes with foods, which dilutes the effect, and as stated earlier, drinking coffee causes most of its medicinal properties to be destroyed in the stomach. A little of the medicinal properties are absorbed directly from the mouth, but otherwise it is wasted.


The benefits of the coffee enema are many such as, the effect of introducing some water and coffee into the colon on a regular basis helps to remove toxins from the walls of the colon and prevent the buildup of toxins in these tissues.

There are many others. Some are rather remarkable and interesting to ponder, and include:

• Coffee antidotes or negates many harmful vibrations or frequencies of illness in the body. This unusual trait of coffee, not shared by any other herbs or remedies, is very well known in the science of homeopathy. Patients are often told by homeopathic practitioners never to drink coffee, as it can negate the effects of many vibrational remedies, of which homeopathic ones are an example. This is a very important reason for using coffee enemas, although it is somewhat esoteric. The coffee seems able to clear a wide range of harmful subtle energies in the human system in a way that no other plant or animal substance can do. Repeated use of the coffee implant clears these vibrational frequencies at deeper and deeper levels each time the procedure is used. These energies affect our health; although, they are quite subtle.

• There is an increased of alkalinity of the intestinal tract due to enhanced bile flow; it is important because bile has many antiseptic, anti-parasitic, anti-infective, and digestive functions. Increasing the alkalinity of the small intestine makes it much less hospitable for parasites; it also helps destroy many other types of infections in the small intestines.

• Reduced toxicity in the body through the elimination of retained fecal matter that usually putrefies rots or ferments.

• Coffee has a strong affinity for and astringent action upon the colon and colonic mucosa. This property has been discussed above.

• Improved digestion. This is due to enhanced bile flow, and by killing harmful micro-organisms and parasites in the intestines, and perhaps other mechanisms such as alkalinizing the small bowel.

• Enemas, in general, and the coffee enema, can help stimulate, balance, and clear many reflex points that run from the colon segments to every organ and tissue of the body. This is not well known, but is true. An excellent description with diagrams and other fascinating information about these reflexes is found in the textbook, The Science and Practice of Iridology by Dr. Bernard Jensen.

• In acupuncture terms, coffee enemas enhance liver meridian activity and balance the large intestine meridian. Technically, introducing water and coffee into the colon weakens or inhibits the large intestine meridian somewhat. This tends to enhance the liver meridian, according to acupuncture

theory. Commonly, the liver is weak, and the large intestine meridian is overstimulated or overactive due to the presence of toxins in the large bowel. Even if it is not overactive, the effect of the coffee enema, in terms of acupuncture meridians, is to enhance the energy of the liver/gall bladder meridian to some degree.

• Coffee contains a needed form of selenium, a vital mineral needed by almost everyone today. Few foods contain this particularly necessary compound, which is not well-absorbed by mouth, but is better absorbed through the rectum. From our observations, this is a primary reason for the enzymatic activity of coffee upon liver detoxification pathways

• Coffee also contains a small amount of an important zinc compound; which is much needed today, and is not well absorbed by mouth, as it is absorbed rectally. From our observations, zinc is not well absorbed orally as it is rectally.

• The colon is designed to absorb nutrients, while filtering out and leaving behind toxic substances in the colon. In fact, a healthy colon is quite amazing in its ability to absorb nutrients while protecting the body from a wide variety of toxic substances that are present and perhaps are produced in the small and large intestine. This is the reason why drinking coffee is somewhat toxic, but coffee used in an enema is much less so. In fact, we have seen no toxicity from repeated coffee retention enemas, while those who drink coffee regularly always exhibit some toxicity from the beverage.

• Retaining this enema for 15 minutes or so forces one’s attention downward. Two reasons for this are:

1.) the presence of a significant amount of water in the colon, and 2.) to keep the anal sphincter shut tightly. Focusing downward and moving energy downward toward the pelvic floor and feet is extremely therapeutic. It assists with grounding and centering, but it does much more than this. It is a powerful healing method all by itself; this is a complex topic described in a separate article on this website entitled Downward Energy and Healing.

• The Yang Effect. Most people’s bodies today are too yin, in Chinese medical terms, especially those who are old or infirm. Yin means cold, expanded, and usually means ill. A problem with many drugs, natural remedies, vitamins, herbs, and procedures such as surgery is that they make the body even more yin. In contrast, coffee is a more yang substance, even though it grows in tropical climates.

It becomes much more yang when roasted thoroughly, boiled and simmer for 10-12 minutes only. This also gets rid of some of the caffeine, a yin substance (although some caffeine appears necessary for the desired effects). This is a great advantage of this procedure over other herbal, natural, and medical methods for cleansing the liver and colon.

The cumulative effect of daily coffee enemas is definitely a yang or warming effect on most everyone, and this is extremely important today to regain and maintain health. The yang effect is due to a combination of the nutritional benefits of coffee, the removal of yin toxins such as toxic metals and toxic chemicals from the body, and other mechanisms with which I am less familiar.

• Sympathetic relaxation. Coffee enemas can cause relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system. Many people report this and as it may seem odd, since coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant. Possible reasons for relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system include: 1.) stimulation of two important parasympathetic organs, the liver and the large intestine, 2.) nutrients in the coffee, 3.) removal of irritating toxins from the body rapidly and thoroughly, 4.) more subtle mechanisms that affect the nerve feedback in a way that inhibits the sympathetic nerves, and 5.) downward motion of energy.

• Increased glutathione activity. The compounds kahweol and cafestol found in coffee enhance glutathione S-transferase activity in the liver. This enzyme assists liver detoxification that neutralizes and helps remove a large variety of toxic compounds.

• Improved hydration. While it may seem minor, this can be a major benefit of coffee retention enemas, as many people are quite dehydrated today. Reasons for this are: 1.) not drinking enough water, 2.) drinking incorrect types of water such as reverse osmosis water, which does not appear to hydrate the body well, and 3.) ingesting substances that tend to dehydrate the body, including all sugars, fruit, caffeine and alcohol. The addition of several cups of water in the enema improves this, but sometimes difficult to identify situation.

Improved dehydration also greatly improves overall detoxification of the body and overall health.

• Improved root energy center activity. When one does a coffee enema, one must lock the root chakra, also called the first energy center. This is done by tightening the anal sphincter, which is necessary to retain the coffee solution. It is known in yoga and other ancient texts that locking the root chakra greatly helps to circulate etheric or subtle chi or energies in the body. While this is subtle, some people can feel the benefit from this practice.

• Yeast elimination from the colon is another great benefit from coffee enemas, but this requires repeated enemas and perhaps more water. This is a wonderful benefit for some people whose colons are full of yeast. For this to occur, one must do several coffee enemas back to back, putting in a total of about 2 quarts of water into the colon. It helps to rub the colon area of the abdomen vigorously to get the water to penetrate the pockets of the colon to dislodge the yeast organisms. Adding some crushed garlic to the enema water may help this a little by a chemical mechanism.

• A form of quiet discipline and a concentration exercise is highly recommended when performing the coffee enema. This may seem odd, but just lying down and holding the anal sphincter closed for 15 or so minutes is a form of concentration exercise that teaches discipline, relaxation, coordination, and other mental traits that are helpful for most people.

Dr. Peter Lechner, who conducted a trial of the Gerson cancer therapy in the post-surgical treatment of metastasized colorectal cancers under the aegis of the Landeskrankenhaus of Graz, Austria, reported in 1984,

“Coffee enemas have a definite effect on the colon which can be observed with an endoscope.”


How many?
While Dr. Max Gerson recommended the coffee enema up to 5 times daily, or every four hours, for severely ill patients with cancer and other conditions. His patients continued them for up to several years with apparently no ill effects. However, this appears to be much more than most people need. I usually suggest one, two, or even three coffee enemas per day to assist detoxification and to enhance liver activity.

Three enemas daily may be taken safely, especially if one is going through a healing reaction during which the body is attempting to remove large amounts of a toxin or a very toxic substance such as

cadmium. At these times, an extra coffee enema or two can control symptoms such as headaches, intestinal upset, rashes and other symptoms. It can also calm one down and make the healing reaction move along faster and more safely, as well.

How Long Do I Do Them?

For best results, a program of coffee enemas should be carried on for at least a year, and preferably for much longer because many suffer from a toxic liver that was caused by a lifetime of poor dietary habits. Many of us consumed “enriched” white flour for all our life. White flour is “enriched” or “fortified” with rock forms of iron. That’s right, they pulverize iron ore and add it to white flour.

While some health authorities warn against coffee enemas as causing dependency, damaging the intestinal flora, or for other reasons, when they are done properly I have seen literally NO negative effects from them. The key is to do them as I suggest, and not deviate at all.

When is the best time of the day to do the enemas?

You can do a coffee enema at any time of the day. I usually recommend it before 5 pm because if done soon before bedtime, it might interfere with sleep, because of caffeine. However, if one feels ill during the night with a headache, for example, I have suggested doing a coffee enema, after which some clients report being able to sleep through the night. This will really take some observation and documentation on your part to determine the effects and time of day.

Also, it is important in some cases, but not all, is to have a bowel movement, even a small one, before your coffee enema. This is just to make it easier to retain the coffee for 12-15 minutes or so. To have a bowel movement first thin in the morning, you may need to drink some warm water or eat a few nuts, seeds, or other food. Otherwise, you may need to do a quick plain water enema to wash out the large intestine before you do your coffee retention enema. Some people do not find it necessary at all to have a bowel movement before doing their coffee enema.

Where is the best the place to do the enemas?

The first, and most important thing, is to make yourself comfortable. The bathroom is the easiest place, plus you will likely be less disturbed. We have a heated tile floor in our bathroom and I like to turn the heat up high when I am doing my coffee enema. I lay a towel on the floor and after inserting the tube, I lie on my right side (the liver is on the right side of the body) with a few towels under my head as a

pillow. In the beginning, you may want to spread a couple of towels on the bathroom floor, as you might experience a slight accident with coffee spurting out. I find lying on a folded towel is the best way to prevent unexpected accidents.

You will want the room to be warm as this makes the mind and muscle relax much easier. Some people like to do their enema lying comfortably in a large bathtub, as then they don’t worry about leakage or accidents.

To help keep the coffee in, you may place a washrag or small towel over the anal area. Most people find this unnecessary, but it will help if you have a weak anal sphincter.

If you are giving an enema to a child, the easiest way is often to place the child on his stomach on the bed, with a few towels or a bed pan underneath to catch any leaks. Use plenty of organic olive oil on the enema tip to make it slide in easily. Twist the enema tip as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier. After implanting the coffee in the rectum, place a rag or small towel tightly against the rectum to hold the coffee inside. As stated, enemas are very effective in reducing high fevers!

The main factor to doing a successful enema is to RELAX! As I stated above, it may take a few practice runs to find the easiest and most comfortable way for you. It certainly took me a few times to get the coffee enema down and now, I have it honed to a science. I recommend using the time to focus on what

the body is doing or doing a mental exercise that promotes healing and steady deep breathing. Just do not try to get up and walk around, gravity will come into play.


When done properly, coffee enemas do not cause habituation, constipation, or any rectal problems. They might appear to cause constipation in some cases, but often this is because the fecal matter is removed daily, so there is less need for bowel movements. In 30 years of clinical practice, I have not seen any significant negative effects of coffee enemas. However, observe the following cautions.

1.) Irritation of the colon. If this occurs, you may add about one to two tablespoons of aloe Vera juice to the coffee mixture. This will often take care of this problem.

2.) Hemorrhoids, anal or rectal fissures, a damaged anal sphincter, and rectal prolapse. These conditions, if severe, can make doing coffee enemas somewhat painful. In my experience, mild cases of hemorrhoids are not a problem, and often they eventually go away; just use plenty of petroleum jelly to lubricate the enema tip, and be careful. Severe hemorrhoids can make coffee enemas impossible, and the hemorrhoids may need medical attention to get rid of them.

Anal and rectal fissures can usually be healed quite easily with a nutritional balancing program and the following procedure. Run about 2 inches of very hot water into a bath tub. Add 4 pounds of Epsom salts to the water, and mix it thoroughly with your hand. Now sit in the bath water for about 20 minutes. Only your buttocks need to be in contact with the hot bath water. Repeat this procedure daily for several weeks or as long as it takes to heal the fissures.

If the anal sphincter is damaged, the coffee enema may be a little painful. You will need to place a rag or small towel over the rectum to keep the coffee inside. It helps to put a pillow under your buttocks to elevate them a little, so the coffee naturally flows downhill into the colon. See above if the coffee causes rectal or colonic irritation.

Rectal prolapse is uncommon, and it may improve due to the use of coffee enemas. It may not interfere, although if it is severe, it may require surgical correction.

A possible remedy if the methods above do not work is to first insert a well-lubricated colon tube into the rectum so that the coffee and water will be released far away from fissures or hemorrhoids. A colon tube is usually a 30-inch soft rubber tube that is available on the internet. This will help in some cases.

3.) Problems retaining the coffee enema. A small number of people are unable to retain even a cup of water for the required 15 minutes. If you have this problem, be sure to first clean out the colon with a quick plain water enema. This often helps a lot. Another idea is to try retaining it for 10 minutes, which is probably adequate. Also, you may begin using less coffee or less water in these cases. Retain the small amount for as long as possible, and then insert more, retaining that amount for as long as possible, as well. Some authorities suggest using a little blackstrap molasses in the enema with the coffee, but do not cook the molasses.

4.) Most people who cannot tolerate caffeine well are able to do coffee enemas without difficulty. It is best for everyone to begin with a very small amount of coffee to see how you react. In almost all cases, it will be tolerated well; however, a very few clients cannot tolerate any caffeine at all, and thus are unable to use coffee enemas. I have not tried offering them decaffeinated coffee, but it might work; although, not quite as well as regular ground coffee. Note that some decaffeinated coffee still contains a small amount of caffeine. While caffeine is a mild toxin, in the enema it seems to have a different effect of stimulating bile release. This is very beneficial and well worth the slight rush that some people feel from the procedure.

5.) Rarely, a person is allergic to coffee. However, sensitivity to drinking coffee does not necessarily mean you cannot tolerate a coffee enema because most food sensitivities are due to a “leaky gut” or damaged stomach and intestinal lining. This does not necessarily affect the colon, so I suggest trying an enema even if you cannot tolerate coffee orally.

Try using a small amount of coffee first; if you cannot do coffee enemas, do the rest of your nutritional balancing program, and then try the coffee in a few months. Often, food sensitivities go away with a properly designed nutritional balancing program eventually.

6.) Coffee enemas occasionally leave a person feeling somewhat toxic, waterlogged, or weak. The feeling is usually due to stirring up large amounts of toxic material, some of which may be reabsorbed during the procedure, causing an ill feeling. The feeling can also be due simply to activating the liver, colon or other organs, or the removal of parasites and yeast organisms. This usually passes quickly afterwards; a second coffee enema immediately or in a few hours often helps. Another idea is to do a thorough foot reflexology session, which helps rebalance and calm the body.

Using too much water could cause a waterlogged feeling, as the body will absorb some water from the enema. Weakness with a coffee enema is usually due to a decrease in blood sugar, which always seems to occur to some degree. In this case, be sure to eat something before doing your enema, such as a few blue corn chips, some almond butter, or a few nuts or seeds. This will sustain your blood sugar and avoid this problem.

7.) A few people report digestive upset after a coffee enema. This may be a direct detoxification effect, but it usually passes quickly. An excellent preventive or remedy is to rub the feet for several minutes each, especially the second and third toes – all around these toes. This is a reflexology method that seems to relieve this discomfort in most, if not all cases.

8.) A coffee enema often will lower the blood sugar; this can cause some weakness and

shakiness. Eating a small amount of food before the enema, or just after doing the enema, generally relieves the situation. This could be some plain yogurt, nuts, a few organic blue tortilla chips, or a few leftover vegetables.

9.) Some patients may feel weakening the yin organs and enhancing the liver and kidney energy; these are energetic effects of the coffee enema. They are helpful for most people, which may be one reason why the coffee enema is so helpful for many people. Occasionally, they cause adverse effects of various kinds. A few people have reported worse posture with more kyphosis after an enema; which is temporary in all cases.

***If you are older than 60 or very debilitated or ill, please check with your doctor before doing a coffee enema.

Please note if you are dehydrated, the coffee won’t come out after an enema; instead the liquid will be completely absorbed in the colon. This is alright, although having a bowel movement after the enema cleans the colon even more.


I highly suggest using the same coffee that I use from Premier Research Labs or PRL. It is available at If you choose not to use it, please use an organic coffee. Coffee is the most highly sprayed crops and you do not want more toxins entering your body! Make sure to grind the coffee fresh before you use it.


While enemas may seem messy or uncomfortable, many patients report that the procedure is so helpful to calm them, remove pain, release toxins, clear the head, and other things that they soon forget the inconvenience and don’t mind them at all.

General notes: This procedure recommends using up to about 4 cups of water in the enema. You may use more, but in my experience, it is not necessary. If you cannot retain the enema well, try using even less water.

Distilled water is generally best for coffee enemas, as it absorbs more of the coffee essence. However, one can use spring water or carbon-only-filtered tap water if distilled water is not available.

Doing two coffee enemas, back to back, is extremely powerful. This is brand new research (2012).
You may retain the enema more than 15 minutes, although I think that 30 minutes is plenty.

Step 1: Materials

* Buy a standard 2-quart enema bag, or an enema bucket. We have enema buckets available at If you use an enema bag, it should come with a hook or handle to hang up the bag, a hose, an enema tip, and a clamp on the hose. If you use an enema bag, the enema/douche bag combination is a little easier to use.

* Purchase organic, blond-roast regular coffee. Again, I only use and recommend PRL’s coffee as it is strictly organic, and it tests “on” to all four polarities. ONLY purchase whole-bean coffee and grind it fresh right before you do the enema. Do not buy instant coffee and do not buy decaffeinated coffee. The lighter blond roast coffee, which is a lighter color, is far superior in my opinion, although it is easier to hold in the colon, which is a benefit some people like.

Step 2: Preparation of coffee

There are three methods. The “bring to a boil and let simmer for 12-15 minutes” or “coffeemaker” methods are best. The soak or non-boil method is more yin, so it is not quite as good. However, it is fast and perhaps better if you are traveling, as you do not need to boil the coffee.

When beginning coffee enemas, use much less coffee, to make sure you tolerate it well. For example, begin with a half teaspoon of coffee and increase the amount when you are sure you tolerate it well.

The Bring to a Boil and Simmer Method

This is the method that I personally use and recommend to all of my patients. Place about 1-2 cups of water in a saucepan. I use distilled water, although any decent filtered water will do. If possible, use a non-metallic saucepan such as ceramic, glass or enamel surface.

Add about ½ to three tablespoons of coffee (start small and you can eventually use more like me), and bring it to a boil.

When the water and coffee begin to boil, turn down the burner, and allow it to simmer for 12 to 15 minutes. Turn off the burner, remove the pan from the heat, and add about 3 cups of cold water or a little more to cool down the mixture. If you are using an enema bucket, about 1 cup of the coffee will be left in the bottom of the bucket so make sure that you eventually have a total of 5 cups of coffee for your enema. If you are using an enema bag, use 4 cups of coffee because all of it drains from the bag. You may make a larger quantity and use it for several enemas, although fresh is best.

To test the temperature of the water, place a finger in it; the mixture should be a comfortably warm temperature. If the water is too hot or very cold, retaining the enema will be more difficult.

Coffeemaker or Percolator method

Place about 1/2 cup or so of water in a coffee maker, along with 1 teaspoon to 3 tablespoons of coffee, depending your tolerance, and turn the machine on. **When you begin to use coffee enemas, start with a smaller amount of coffee, in case you are sensitive to it.

When the coffee is ready, add at least one cup more water to cool the mixture to body temperature. NOTE: The coffee made with a coffeemaker will not be quite as strong as with the boil method, so you will need a little more coffee using a coffee maker than if you use the boil method.


The Soak or Non-Boil Method

Place one cup of ground coffee in a glass container and add two cups of water to the container. Soak the mixture overnight and then store the liquid in the refrigerator.

When you want to do an enema, place about 2-4 tablespoons of this soaked liquid in your enema bag and add one and a half to two cups of warm water.

This method is not quite as good, as it is more yin and the coffee is weaker. However, if you do not have time to boil the coffee, or are traveling, for example, it is fast and does not require a coffeemaker.

Step 3: Preparing to take the enema

* Pour the coffee liquid slowly into your enema bag or enema bucket; leaving the grounds behind, or you could strain the coffee liquid through a fine sieve or cheese cloth into the clean enema bag. However, keeping the coffee out of contact with the metal screen may be a little better.

* Screw on the top of the enema bag. The enema is now ready.

* Be sure the plastic hose is fastened tightly onto the enema bag/bucket and the thin enema tip is attached to the other end.

* Remove any air from the enema tube by doing the following: Grasp, but do not close the clamp on the hose. Place the enema tip in the sink, and hold up the enema bag slightly above the tip until the water begins to flow out. As soon as it starts flowing, quickly close the clamp; this expels any air in the tube.
* Lubricate the enema tip with a small amount of organic olive oil. Again, I only use and recommend PRL’s organic olive oil. DO NOT use petroleum jelly to lubricate the tip as you do not want any more toxins in your body! (Please Note: Too much lubrication might cause the tip to fall out of the rectum, creating a mess. Experiment to see how much and what kind of lubrication is best for you).

* If possible, have a bowel movement before doing your enema. This can make it easier to retain the enema. Try eating 4 to 5 almonds, or other kind of food to have a bowel movement prior to doing the enema; however, I do not recommend fruit or fruit juice, or sweets. You may do a quick plain water enema if needed to clean the colon before your coffee enema, if you wish.

Step 4: Taking the enema

*The position I recommend is lying on one’s right side on a towel or mat, on the bathroom floor, in the bath tub, or perhaps in bed with a few towels under you to catch any drip

* With the clamp closed, place the enema bag on the floor next to you, or hang the bag about one foot above your abdomen.

* Insert the tip gently and slowly. Aim it straight upwards from the legs, not at any angle. Twist or turn the enema tip gently as you insert it, as this can make it slide in much easier. Do this until it goes all the way in. Never leave it half way in – it will not work this way. There are two anal sphincters it must pass through, so the tip must be all the way in.

* Open the clamp and hold or hang the enema bag about one foot above the abdomen. The water may take a few seconds to begin flowing. If the water does not flow, you may gently squeeze the bag or the hose to clear an air bubble. If you develop a cramp, close the hose clamp, turn from side to side and take a few deep breaths. The cramp will usually pass quickly.

* When all the liquid is inside, the bag will become flat; close the clamp. You can leave the tube inserted, or remove it slowly.

* RETAIN THE ENEMA FOR 12-15 MINUTES, if possible, or even up to 30 minutes. Retaining it more than 15 minutes is not necessary, but has an enhanced effect. See below if you have difficulties retaining the enema.

What to do while retaining the enema. You may remain lying on the floor, or get up and lie in bed with a towel under your mid-section to protect against leaks. Do not walk around. I highly recommend that you relax, meditate, listen to a CD, or other quiet activity.

Step 5: Finishing up

* After 12 to 30 minutes, go to the toilet and empty out the water. It is okay if some water remains

inside. If water remains inside often, you are likely somewhat dehydrated. In this case, you need to drink more water, or a different kind of water; avoid all reverse osmosis water. Rubbing your abdomen while sitting on the toilet may help eliminate the water.

* Wash the enema bag/bucket and tube thoroughly with soap and water and clean up the toilet or surrounding area with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong agent to protect against the spread of germs and it is used in just about every doctor’s office for that purpose.

Tips for coffee enemas

* If possible, do the enema after a bowel movement to make it easier to retain the coffee. If you cannot have a bowel movement, this does not affect some people’s ability to hold the coffee, while other like to take a plain water enema first, to clean out the colon.

* If intestinal gas is a problem, some stretching or bending exercises before the enema may eliminate the gas.

* It is not essential, but is helpful if the water fills the entire colon. You can make this happen by lying on your back when you first insert the coffee. However, after a few minutes, turn and lie on your right side for about 5 minutes.

* If water will not flow around the entire colon, you may gently massage your abdomen. Some people attach a 30-inch colon tube to the tip of the enema tube, and insert the tube so the water will reach the right side of the colon. I don’t usually recommend this, as it is not usually needed.

* If the enema makes you jittery, reduce the amount of coffee.

* If the enema causes irritation of the anal area, add one or two tablespoons of aloe vera juice to the coffee liquid. Please remember to use organic olive oil as a lubricant.

* The enema may lower your blood sugar. If so, eat something just before or after taking the enema.

Tips on holding the enema:

1) Be patient. Practice makes perfect! It may take you a few times to get it right BUT don’t give up!
2) The water may be too hot or too cold. Be sure the water temperature is comfortable.

3) It may help to place a small pillow or rolled up towel under your buttocks, so the water flows downhill into your colon.

4) If trouble continues, try reducing the amount of coffee or add 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to the water.

Key Things to Remember:

• After 12 – 15 minutes (and up to 30 minutes), void your colon. This is doctor speak for “hit the bathroom.”

• Be aware that you will have liquid diarrhea that may seem like its over then repeat itself for the next three to five minutes with delays in between.

• Repeat once, twice, three times per day.

• Your bowel habits will probably change a bit (not have to go) in the first 24-36 hours after doing an enema. This is normal.

• Many people notice a pleasant sensation having done one. A few may feel cramping afterwards. Either sensation is normal.

I realize that this isn’t a fun topic to talk about, but chronic illness and even cancer is a life and death matter! This is why I shared my personal habits with doing coffee enemas and the common concerns regarding them as well. Organic coffee enemas are VITAL for cleansing your colon and detoxifying your liver. If you have any questions, please email me at

Best Regards,
Dr. Michael L. Johnson

The Importance of pH!
–by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Your body is alkaline by design and acid by function.

Normal body pH is 6.4 to 7.0. Ideally, you should start the day with a body pH of 6.9 to 7.0 upon awakening. As the day progresses, the body accumulates waste by-products, and the pH should slightly decrease to 6.4 to 6.6 until the body discharges the waste via the liver, kidneys and lymphatic system.

In my 30 years of practice, I have found that many chronic illnesses usually begin with the patient being acidic – in other words, they suffer from low pH. In the beginning, the patient “feels fine” but since their pH is acidic it is a slow spiral downward toward ill health. Add in the fact that they are not creating methyl groups because of low HCL in their stomach (please see my article on The Importance of Methyl Groups), and it is a recipe for disaster!

#1: Buffering the Blood

When you’re acidic, your body leaches minerals out of your bone to buffer your blood! This is NOT GOOD because you are on the road to osteopenia and/or osteoporosis.

#2: Heavy Metal Toxicity

When you are acidic, you are at greater risk for heavy metal toxicity, which in turn causes a downward spiral of free radicals! Calcium lines the brush border cells of the gut to prevent the absorption of heavy metals, and when you are acidic, you have lower levels of available calcium, magnesium, and other trace minerals like selenium and zinc.

In addition, lower levels of essential minerals allow for the creation of free radicals in the body. The mitochondria are the powerhouses of the human cell, and free radicals damage the mitochondria. Mitochondrial DNA is 10 times more sensitive to free radical damage.

The good news is that this extreme vulnerability of mitochondrial DNA can be protected by targeted nutraceutical agents! The most profound of which is DHLA (dihydrolipoic acid), the reduced form of alpha lipoic acid, which is now available in stable form for the first time in history. DHLA promotes a dramatic

increase in cellular ATP (energy) and quenches every known free radical (both RNS and ROS species) that can occur in living tissue.

I use a DHLA product called Neuro-ND in my practice to address free radicals and excitotoxins. Neuro-
ND is produced by Premier Research Labs (PRL). Here is a list of its benefits:

Neuro-ND = DHLA (dihydrolipoic acid)

–ATP Boosting!

–Quenches every free known radical in living tissue!

–Regenerates vital anti-oxidants like CoQ10, glutathione, NADH, Vit. C and E!

Neuro-ND and Quinol-ND are currently on back order and they will be available in early 2013. What do I use in the meantime? A product from Hope Science, IP-6, which is a very strong anti-oxidant, and PRL’s CoQ10. Both products are available at

Importance of pH and the thyroid gland…

Many doctors (physicians, chiropractors, naturopaths) are addressing thyroid issues but they are not checking the patient’s pH level. In my opinion, this is a HUGE MISTAKE.

Here’s why…

The minerals that create an alkaline environment in the body (6.4-7.0) – calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals – are VERY IMPORTANT to the thyroid patient because every cell in the body has thyroid hormone receptor and the cells need to accept T3 to survive. They cannot accept T3 without those minerals! If a patient has a low pH, guess what? They are low in these essential minerals and they are unable to accept T3! Do you wonder WHY some thyroid patients are not responding? This could be the reason!

T4 to T3 conversion is dependent on zinc, and low levels of selenium will cause inactivity of T3! Should patients be taking handfuls of zinc and selenium? NO! Get the body pH up and increase their stomach acid (HCL) so they can absorb the correct amount of zinc and selenium from their food.

Zinc is mainly found in beef, lamb, veal, crab, shrimp, scallops, turkey, pumpkin, sesame and squash seeds, oysters, peanuts, and yogurt.

Selenium is mainly found in tuna, cod, halibut, sardines, shrimp, salmon, beef, turkey, and lamb.

#3: Lowered Immune Response

Being acidic creates a welcoming environment for viruses and bacteria to flourish! Therefore, pH is a huge player in immunity! I strongly feel that part of the reason for the autoimmune epidemic in the U.S. is chronic low pH levels.

If you have noticed that you are more susceptible to colds and flu, this is one of the reasons WHY!

How do you check your pH level? It is a very simple process of checking your first morning urine after 5 a.m. with a pH test strip that we have available at Please note that one urine pH test is not sufficient, you need to check your first morning pH

for at least a week and preferably two weeks to see a consistent pattern.


The problem is that everyone and their uncle are addressing the thyroid gland with their patient population, but NO ONE is addressing the parathyroid issue!! The thyroid and parathyroid work hand-in-hand, and the major function of the parathyroid gland is to maintain the body’s calcium level! It BUFFERS the blood! HEEELLLLLOOOOOO!!! Everyone is addressing the thyroid without addressing the parathyroid which is akin to exercising to lose weight but never addressing your diet. Yes, lab-wise you could check the parathyroid hormone, BUT if the calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and/or Vitamin D levels are off, there is a great chance that the parathyroid is not functioning and it needs to be addressed.

If your parathyroid isn’t working, guess what? YOUR BLOOD WILL NOT BE BUFFERED AND YOU WILL BE ACIDIC!!!

In addition, the parathyroid is the MOST sensitive organ of the body for heavy metal toxins!

What is the #1 nutrient to support the parathyroid? Green Tea-ND from Premier Reseach Labs (PRL). One teaspoon of it is like drinking 40 cups of green tea. Green Tea-ND is high in polyphenols which have been shown to protect DNA from radiation damage, support connective tissue, help with digestion, and supports the immune, circulatory, and lymphatic systems.


Drink plenty of good water (distilled or filtered water…. a minimum of 1/2 oz. per lb. of body wt per day or

simply divide your body weight by 2), change your diet (more veggies, eliminate junk food and “white death” —white flour, white sugar and white salt), supplement with the pH Trio (PRL’s D3, Aloe Pro and Coral Legend…all available at and finally, coffee enemas.

What if the patient’s first morning urine pH is over 7.0?

If the first morning urine pH is consistently over 7.0, the body is in severe alkalosis. The minute that you supplement the patient with a pH above 7.0, their pH will crash to 4.5 or lower. I have seen it happen in a number of cases in my office, so I make sure to tell the patient what will happen beforehand.

Again, body pH is very easy to test with a box of pH test strips from Follow the directions on the box but make sure that it is the first morning urine after 5 a.m. that is tested. Saliva pH testing is NOT as accurate because it has not gone through the body’s metabolism. Trust me, I have already checked it on several patients. Their salivary pH is WNL (within normal limits) and their urinary pH was very acidic. Both salivary and urine pH were checked at the same time.

Finally, I only use Premier Research Labs (PRL) nutritional supplements in my office because they are natural, live-source nutritional supplements that are excipient-free.

© 2013 Dr. Michael L. Johnson

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Johnson at

Please go to This site is one of the most popular autoimmune related sites on the internet, and it is loaded with additional information on this terrible disease.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and has been in private practice in Appleton, WI since 1983. He is the author of the books, What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work? —A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions and You Can Beat Cancer…Naturally! (a free e-book is available at His third book, You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders…Naturally! will be released on February 15, 2013 and his fourth book, You Can Beat Fibromyalgia…Naturally! will be released on May 1, 2013. You can sign-up for a free e-book copy at

Dr. Johnson is the founder of the National Thyroid Institute, a group of doctors dedicated to educating thyroid patients. He is also the founder of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group (NMSG), a group of doctors that are dedicated to addressing chronic conditions. More information on the NMSG is available at

The Liver
–by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Many of us grew up with the Wonder Bread commercial telling us how it “helps build strong bodies 12 ways!” What the commercial failed to tell us is that Americans have been consuming “enriched” or “fortified” white flour since the 1940’s and it is slowly killing them.

The problem is that white flour is “enriched” or “fortified” with rock forms of iron. That’s correct, they literally take iron ore, pulverize it, and add it to white flour.

Yes, it’s true, iron is vital to make a substance in your body called tyrosine, but over time, rock iron accumulation signals the liver not to absorb more iron, so it can’t make tyrosine.

You need tyrosine to make the thyroid hormone thyroxine (aka. T4) and adrenaline.

One of the functions of adrenaline is holding magnesium in the blood. Magnesium is important for…

–Proper bone formation

–Maintaining normal muscle function

–Releasing energy from muscle storage

–Regulating body temperature

–Proper absorption of calcium

Since adrenaline can’t be made because of rock iron accumulation causing a lack of tyrosine, many patients suffer from magnesium deficiencies. They find themselves supplementing with magnesium supplements, but they never address the cause… low adrenaline levels due to decreased tyrosine levels.

Back to the liver…

Anytime that I see a patient suffering from a hormone problem (male or female whether increased or decreased), an iron problem (including serum iron, ferritin, transferrin and/or TIBC), a problem with RBCs, or a B-vitamin (esp. B12 or folic acid), I immediately start thinking that the patient is suffering from a liver disorder. The liver is the cause!

Think for a minute about the functions of the liver. The liver is important for…

•Bile production and excretion
•Excretion of bilirubin, cholesterol, hormones, and drugs

•Metabolism of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates
•Enzyme activation
•Storage of glycogen, vitamins, and minerals
•Synthesis of plasma proteins, such as albumin, and clotting factors
•Blood detoxification and purification

Can you see why the liver is such a major player in our health?

The main reason why many doctors fail to address liver disorders is that the lab ranges of the liver enzymes and other tests are very broad. The liver enzymes are normally contained in the cells and if the liver is injured or damaged, the liver cells spill the enzymes into the blood.

The lab range for the liver enzymes ALT (SGPT) and AST (SGOT) are 10-40 (and I have seen some labs go as high as 10-60), while the functional or optimal range is 10-26! A patient can have an ALT range of 35 and an AST reading of 37 and their physician will tell them that their liver function is “normal.” No, it’s not, and it needs to be addressed for them to regain their health!

Many doctors are addressing thyroid patients, BUT they are not addressing the patient’s liver issues, and this is flat out wrong! The liver plays a major role in thyroid function because 60% of T4 is converted to T3 in the liver. The other 20% of T4 is converted to T3 in the stomach (yet another reason why you need optimal amounts of stomach acid – please see my article on Methyl Groups) and the final 20% in the periphery.

T4 to T3 conversion is also dependent on zinc! Should thyroid patients gobble down handfuls of zinc supplements? No, I strongly feel that patients should get trace minerals from their diet. Beef, lamb, veal, crab, shrimp, scallops, turkey, pumpkin, sesame and squash seeds, oysters, peanuts, and yogurt all contain good levels of zinc.

Low levels of selenium will cause inactivity of T3 and that is also not good for a thyroid patient! Tuna, cod, halibut, sardines, shrimp, salmon, beef, turkey, and lamb all contain high levels of selenium.

In order for T3 to be accepted by the cells it needs calcium, magnesium and trace minerals. This is WHY it is vital to have sufficient mineral absorption and your pH between 6.4 and 7.0. (Please see my article on the importance of pH.)


Homocysteine is an amino acid that can be generated in response to a toxic or nutritionally deficient diet.

When homocysteine is increased in the blood, it is linked to massive inflammation and neurodegeneration!

In Alzheimer’s disease and many other chronic diseases, we find a significant increase in homocysteine in the blood tests. Since homocysteine is a powerful excitotoxin and neurotoxin, elevated homocysteine levels have been found to make symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease and other chronic conditions worse.
The metabolic breakdown components of homocysteine alter the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptor sites, leading to multiple negative effects, including free radicals and a massive inflammatory cascade!

These free radicals and inflammation can trigger an autoimmune response in which the patient’s immune system attacks the thyroid gland and/or other body systems.

Free radicals, excitotoxins and inflammation can all be successfully addressed via diet and by using proper nutritional supplemental protocols.

Liver and inflammation problems in the body can be addressed successfully using natural protocols. I recommend Max B-ND, Liver-ND and coffee enemas (see my article on Coffee enemas) to help detoxify and heal the liver. CoCurcumin from Ayush Herbs and Inflamma-ND and Green Tea-ND from PRL are great for reducing inflammation. In closing, I only use Premier Research Labs (PRL) nutritional supplements, Ayush Herbs and Hope Science products in my office because they are natural, live-source nutritional supplements that are excipient-free.

© 2013 Dr. Michael L. Johnson

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Johnson at

Please go to This site is one of the most popular autoimmune related sites on the internet, and it is loaded with additional information on this terrible disease.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and has been in private practice in Appleton, WI since 1983. He is the author of the books, What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work? —A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions and You Can Beat Cancer…Naturally! (a free e-book is available at His third book, You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders…Naturally! will be released on February 15, 2013 and his fourth book, You Can Beat Fibromyalgia…Naturally! will be released on May 1, 2013. You can sign-up for a free e-book copy at

Dr. Johnson is the founder of the National Thyroid Institute, a group of doctors dedicated to educating thyroid patients. He is also the founder of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group (NMSG), a group of doctors that are dedicated to addressing chronic conditions. More information on the NMSG is available at

The Adrenal Glands
–by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

The adrenal glands are small, triangular glands located on top of both kidneys. An adrenal gland is made of two parts–the outer region, called the adrenal cortex, and the inner region, called the adrenal medulla.

Function of the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands work interactively with the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. For example, for the adrenal gland to produce corticosteroid hormones: The hypothalamus produces corticotropin-releasing hormones that stimulate the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland, in turn, produces corticotropin hormones that stimulate the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands make and release corticosteroid hormones. To put it simply, the adrenal glands are your “stress glands.” They are vital to your bodily function in times of stress.

Both parts of the adrenal glands–the adrenal cortex and the adrenal medulla–perform very separate functions.

The adrenal cortex


The adrenal cortex secretes hormones that have an effect on the body’s metabolism, on chemicals in the blood, and on certain body characteristics. The adrenal cortex secretes corticosteroids and other hormones directly into the bloodstream. The hormones produced by the adrenal cortex include:

Corticosteroid hormones:

Hydrocortisone (cortisol). This hormone helps control the body’s use of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.

Corticosterone. This hormone, together with hydrocortisone, suppresses inflammatory reactions in the body and affects the immune system.

Aldosterone. This hormone regulates the level of sodium excreted into the urine and maintains blood volume and blood pressure.

Androgenic steroids (androgen hormones). These hormones are converted elsewhere in the body to female hormones (estrogens) and male hormones (androgens); however, these steroid hormones are produced in much larger amounts by the ovaries in women and testes in men.

The adrenal medulla:

The adrenal medulla, the inner part of the adrenal gland, is not essential to life, but helps a person cope with physical and emotional stress. The adrenal medulla secretes the following hormones:

Epinephrine (also called adrenaline): This hormone helps the body to respond to a stressful situation by increasing the heart rate and force of heart contractions, facilitates blood flow to the muscles and brain, causes relaxation of smooth muscles, helps with conversion of glycogen to glucose in the liver, and other activities. Adrenaline also holds magnesium in the blood. Magnesium is important for…

–Proper bone formation

–Maintains normal muscle function

–Releases energy from muscle storage

–Regulates body temperature

–Proper absorption of calcium

Low magnesium at the neuron (the nerve cell) can lead to the production of protein kinase C2, which in turn, can increase inflammatory arachidonic acid!

Norepinephrine (also called noradrenaline): This hormone has little effect on smooth muscle, metabolic processes, and cardiac output, but has strong vasoconstrictive effects, thus increasing blood pressure.

Over the years, I have found that chronic depression is usually associated with adrenal dysfunction.

The adrenal glands need ALL of the following to work properly…

#1: Water (GOOD QUALITY…distilled or filtered)

#2: Salt (Pink Salt NOT highly-processed white salt)

#3: B vitamins (Natural, live-source NOT coal-tar derived petroleum-based synthetic) – I use Max B-ND from Premier Research Labs (PRL) which I have found to be the best on the market.

#4: Vit C (Natural, live-source, NOT ascorbic acid!) Again, I use PRL’s Vitamin C.

#5: 5 or more hours of continuous sleep to make adrenaline!

#6: The patient has to be off all of the adrenal killers…caffeine, alcohol and sugar.

As a side note, patients that feel groggy in the morning or have a hard time waking up in the morning usually suffer from an adrenal problem. Patients that have difficulty falling asleep at night usually suffer from a gall bladder problem and patients that wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep usually have a stomach problem.

The adrenal glands can be successfully addressed via diet and by using proper nutritional supplemental protocols. I use Max B-ND, Vitamin C, Pink Salt, AdrenaVen and/or Adaptogen R3 from Premier Research Labs (PRL) to support the adrenals.

Adaptogen R3 will decrease hormones that are high and increase hormones that are low. I only use Premier Research Labs (PRL) nutritional supplements in my office because they are natural, live-source nutritional supplements that are excipient-free.

© 2013 Dr. Michael L. Johnson

If you have any questions, please email me at

Please go to This site is one of the most popular autoimmune related sites on the internet, and it is loaded with additional information on this terrible disease.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and has been in private practice in Appleton, WI since 1983. He is the author of the books, What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work? —A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions and You Can Beat Cancer…Naturally! (a free e-book is available at His third book, You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders…Naturally! will be released on February 15, 2013 and his fourth book, You Can Beat Fibromyalgia…Naturally! will be released on May 1, 2013. You can sign-up for a free e-book copy at

Dr. Johnson is the founder of the National Thyroid Institute, a group of doctors dedicated to educating thyroid patients. He is also the founder of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group (NMSG), a group of doctors that are dedicated to addressing chronic conditions. More information on the NMSG is available at

The Gallbladder
–by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

The gallbladder stores and concentrates bile from the liver and releases it into the small intestine to further digest food, especially fats.


Bile has two major functions in the body…

#1: It breaks down the fats that you eat so that your body can utilize them. Without adequate bile you do not metabolize your fats well which can result in a deficiency of the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K). You may also have problems digesting the essential fatty acids. Other symptoms would be trouble utilizing calcium, dry skin, peeling on the soles of your feet, etc.

Excessive burping after a fatty meal is one way to tell if the patient is having difficulty digesting fats. They may feel nauseous or experience gas and bloating.

#2: Bile is a VERY powerful antioxidant that helps to remove toxins from the liver. The liver filters toxins (bacteria, viruses, drugs or other foreign substances the body doesn’t want) and sends them out via the bile, which is made in the liver. The pathway of departure is from the liver through the bile ducts and into the gallbladder or directly into the small intestine where it joins waste matter and leaves through the colon with the feces. A healthy liver produces about a quart to a quart and a half of bile daily. If patients have gallbladder problems, they would do well to cleanse their liver and bowel too. Many people with sluggish gallbladders have a tendency towards constipation.

Almost everyone over the age of 40 has issues with their gallbladder because of years of the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.).

It is Vitamin B6 that keeps the bile salts in suspension in the gallbladder. The problem is that we live in a high stress society, and it is high stress (along with birth control pills and HRT) that depletes B6!

Since B6 keeps the bile salts in suspension, if you do not have adequate amounts of B6, you will not absorb fats.

Many doctors are providing their patients with Vitamin D to support their immune system and overall health, BUT they fail to remember that Vitamin D is NOT a vitamin, it is a hormone! More specifically, Vitamin D is A FAT! When you supplement with Vitamin D, but you do not address the gallbladder (and liver…please see my article, The Liver!), the patient will not be absorbing it or if they are able to absorb it, it will be minimal amounts. The same holds true for the essential fatty acid supplements (fish oil) that many patients take to improve their health.

As a side note, patients that have difficulty falling asleep at night usually suffer from a gall bladder problem. Patients that wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall back to sleep usually suffer from a stomach problem and feeling groggy in the morning is an adrenal issue.

Problems with the gallbladder can be successfully addressed via diet and by using proper nutritional supplemental protocols. I use BiliVen and Gall Bladder-ND from Premier Research Labs (PRL) to support and address the gallbladder. I only use Premier Research Labs (PRL) nutritional supplements in my office because they are natural, live-source nutritional supplements that are excipient-free.

© 2013 Dr. Michael L. Johnson

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Johnson at

Please go to This site is one of the most popular autoimmune related sites on the internet, and it is loaded with additional information on this terrible disease.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and has been in private practice in Appleton, WI since 1983. He is the author of the books, What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work? —A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions and You Can Beat Cancer…Naturally! (a free e-book is available at His third book, You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders…Naturally! will be released on February 15, 2013 and his fourth book, You Can Beat Fibromyalgia…Naturally! will be released on May 1, 2013. You can sign-up for a free e-book copy at

Dr. Johnson is the founder of the National Thyroid Institute, a group of doctors dedicated to educating thyroid patients. He is also the founder of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group (NMSG), a group of doctors that are dedicated to addressing chronic conditions. More information on the NMSG is available at

The Importance of Methyl Groups!

–by Dr. Michael L. Johnson

Did you ever wonder WHY all of a sudden someone develops a neurodegenerative disorder, heart disease, an autoimmune condition or even…cancer?

Did it just drop down out of the sky and land on their head?

No! They expressed a “bad gene!”

How do you express “bad genes” like autoimmune, MS, ALS, Parkinson’s, heart disease or cancer?

The answer is depleted methyl groups! Depletion of your body’s methyl groups is how “bad” genes are expressed.

How are methyl groups in our body depleted? By consuming a poor diet loaded with “white death”—white sugar, white flour, and white salt, “bad oils”—trans-fatty acids and hydrogenated oils, produce loaded with pesticides and herbicides, junk food, drinks loaded with caffeine, high-fructose corn syrup and acid, genetically-modified foods, and stress!

What helps create methyl groups?

HCL or stomach acid!

This is WHY it is vital for everyone to have the proper amount of stomach acid (HCL)!

We create massive amounts of HCL when we are young but as we age, we make less and less. Again, further decreases in stomach acid or HCL are caused by excess stress and a poor diet.

Methyl groups are VITAL for normal cell replication at the level of the DNA! They literally turn genes “on” or “off.”

When you have depleted methyl groups, bad genes like cancer causing oncogenes are turned “on” and good genes, like cancer preventing tumor-suppressor genes, are turned “off.”

When you have sufficient methyl groups, good genes, like tumor suppressor genes, are turned “on”, and bad genes, like oncogenes, are turned “off.”

Methyl groups are also vital for phase II liver detoxification, protein methylation, homocysteine metabolism (increasing the methyl groups decreases inflammation), neurotransmitter synthesis, and nucleic acid synthesis.

Inadequate methylation capacity can lead to birth defects, depression, cognitive decline, diseases and cancer. Impaired methylation has even been associated with autism.

So… a patient has depleted methyl groups and all of a sudden, they come in contact with a toxin, prolonged exposure to EMFs, a dental infection, or severe emotional stress, and… BOOM… they express the bad gene. The next thing you know, they have a neurodegenerative disorder like Parkinson’s, ALS, or Alzheimer’s, they have an autoimmune condition, or they have cancer. None of these conditions drop out of the sky and land on a patient; there has to be a cause, and the cause is depleted methyl groups.

How do you test for adequate levels of HCL? By checking the patient’s blood work and looking at the total protein, serum globulin, BUN and phosphorus. If some or all are abnormal, you most likely have lower levels of HCL.

How do you test for methyl groups? There is a specific urine test that can be run called the Basic Organic Acid test.

How do you increase HCL? The only way to increase HCL is by using supplements. Using supplements to increase HCL in the stomach is one of THE BEST means of preventing serious illness! Many patients cannot tolerate HCL directly in the beginning because their stomach acid is so low, so I use a product from Premier Reseach Labs called GastroVen as a tea (2-3 capsules in hot water). Then, I eventually move them up to PRL’s HCL, HCL Activator and Digest (pancreatic enzymes) after every meal. Taking HCL/HCL Activator after every meal is something that should be done by everyone over the age of

25. Up until the age of 25, using pink salt will suffice. Throw that blue container of white garbage salt in the trash! Pink Salt is not chemically processed like white salt and it contains calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals. The body will take the chloride molecule from the pink salt (NaCl) and makes HCL. No matter what age, using pink salt is one of the best things that you can do to improve your health!

Please note that HCL breaks food down BUT by itself HCL cannot methylate a cell. HCL Activator provides a buffer in the form of potassium. Potassium added to HCL creates tri-methyl glycine and it is the tri-methyl glycine that adds three (3) methyl (CH3) groups to each cell.

Methyl (CH3) is part of an acetyl group (COCH3) in chemistry. Again, deacteylation occurs in cancer. It was Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski that first showed that deacetylation ‘turns on’ oncogenes and ‘turns off’ tumor suppressor cells. Acetylation occurs when we add the methyl (CH3) group to the chemistry mixture and acetylation ‘turns off’ oncogenes and ‘turns on’ tumor suppressor cells.

As a side note, patients that wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to fall back to sleep usually have a problem with their stomach. They suffer from hypochlorhydria or low HCL. Patients that have difficulty falling asleep at night usually suffer from a gall bladder problem and feeling groggy in the morning is usually an adrenal issue.

Finally, I strongly recommend that patients DO NOT drink alkaline water as it will alkalize their stomach. You want the stomach ACIDIC, so it can digest your food and create methyl groups, not alkaline!

I only use Premier Research Labs (PRL) nutritional supplements in my office because they are natural, live-source nutritional supplements that are excipient-free.

© 2013 Dr. Michael L. Johnson

If you have any questions, please email Dr. Johnson at

Please go to This site is one of the most popular autoimmune related sites on the internet, and it is loaded with additional information on this terrible disease.

Dr. Michael L. Johnson is a Board-Certified Chiropractic Neurologist and has been in private practice in Appleton, WI since 1983. He is the author of the books, What Do You Do When the Medications Don’t Work? —A Non-Drug Treatment of Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Fibromyalgia and Other Chronic Conditions and You Can Beat Cancer…Naturally! (a free e-book is available at His third book, You Can Beat Thyroid Disorders…Naturally! will be released on February 15, 2013 and his fourth book, You Can Beat Fibromyalgia…Naturally! will be released on May 1, 2013. You can sign-up for a free e-book copy at

Dr. Johnson is the founder of the National Thyroid Institute, a group of doctors dedicated to educating thyroid patients. He is also the founder of the Neuro-Metabolic Super Group (NMSG), a group of doctors that are dedicated to addressing chronic conditions. More information on the NMSG is available at[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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